SERV Ox Bucks Berks N'hants Blood Bikes

John Radcliffe Hospital (JR)

Address: Headley Way, Headington Oxford

Main Hospital No: 0300 304 7777
Blood Bank NBS No: 0796301865 (see also note below)
Path Lab Contact No’s:
Using phone near the pathlab door dial 20465
Biochemistry – 1718
Haematology/Blood Transfusion – 1719
Milk Bank: See separate training

JR West Wing RDV
JR Path Lab
JR Milk Bank

JR From South Approach
JR From North Approach
JR Blood Bank


If you are asked to deliver a sample to JR from say MKG, the Controller will tell you to deliver by a certain time to the JR Issue Desk (where you would normally collect Blood/Platelets). This sample will be for the Overnight van (Bulk Movement Van (BMV)) to NHSBT Filton/Bristol. Being on time will save you a trip to GWH for an RV.

Change History:

2 Feb 2024: Reference to BMV