I have been advised that the A418 will be closed between 20:00 and 06:00 each night from tonight, Monday November 21, until Friday December 9th. The closure is related to work on the HS2 rail project. This directly affects our journeys between John Radcliffe and Stoke Mandeville. The only alternative route involving large well lit roads is that in the attached map. Turn by turn details are included below the link. This alternate route is about 9 miles, and 11 minutes longer than the regular journey so please consider this if setting an eta for arrival.
NOTE: There are many signs in Aylesbury for Stoke Mandeville hospital, because of the location you will need to ignore some of these signs. Please see the turn list below for details.
John Radcliffe to Stoke Mandeville:
- Leave JR and head North on the A40 Northern Bypass Road as if following routes to MK, NGH or KGH
- At Wolvercote Roundabout turn right onto A44
- At Peartree turn right onto A34
- At Wendlebury Interchange (M40) continue straight on and join the A41 towards Bicester
- In Bicester continue to follow the A41 as it turns right towards Aylesbury
- Follow the A41 to Aylesbury, continue on A41 around ring road ignoring signs to Stoke Mandeville as they would take you too close to the road closure on the A418.
- Continue on the A41 until you get to the roundabout intersection with the A413.
- Turn right into Walton Street, A413, towards Amersham A413 & Wycombe (A4010)
- Follow the A413 moving to the right lane ready to turn right at the one way system on to the B4443 (first sign). The second sign for the turning is marked with a large H under which is A & E.
- Continue over the railway bridge, a pedestrian crossing then stay left, still on the B4443, towards Stoke Mandeville. NOT SIGNPOSTED.
- Follow the signs to Stoke Mandeville over 2 roundabouts, the second of which is where you join the normal route from the A418 into the hospital.
Note: For Stoke Mandeville to John Radcliffe reverse the above route