SERV Ox Bucks Berks N'hants Blood Bikes

Fundraiser Quiz

Please remember, when talking to the public, a little extra information always helps advertise the benefit of supporting us 😉. Also, we should treat each conversation as a potential recruitment opportunity, even if indirectly.



Key aspects to aid fund raisers in responding to donors. The lead at any event should still be the go-to person for accurate and complete responses to questions

To ease the process, please review the slides and the associated pdf of the notes view of the slides @
Please be aware this is a check of comprehension, so the exact wording may vary between slides/slide notes and quiz questions, and the information may be spread across multiple slides.
The 20 questions are randomly drawn from a larger bank, so a repeat attempt may provide a different combination of questions.

At the end of the quiz, you will be shown the questions which reduced your score, once you have had a chance to read them, return to the top of the page and use the exit button to return to the refresher page.

1 / 20

How do we fundraise for SERV-OBN?

  1. Members can participate in SERV-OBN events via the website Events Calendar
  2. Individual  fundraising for SERV-OBN which is covered for public liability and risk assessed
  3. Any individual or organisation can donate to SERV-OBN, for instance via our website
  4. In response to formal invitations to do presentations about the work of SERV-OBN

2 / 20

How do the volunteers get assigned to duties?

3 / 20

What are the basic duty periods for volunteers?

4 / 20

What happens to the cash SERV OBN collect at events?

5 / 20

What special privileges do we have in using the fleet vehicles?

  1. We are normal road users with no highway code exemptions
  2. We can use blue lights
  3. We can go through red lights
  4. We can exceed the speed limits
  5. Our fleet vehicles are authorised to use bus lanes in Oxford

6 / 20

You are at a charity collection event with a Blood Bike present; a parent and child provide a donation and you ask if the child would like to sit on the bike so that the parent can take a picture.

What should you consider in particular before helping the child onto the bike?

7 / 20

What do we cover during daytime?

8 / 20

What are our primary hours of operation?

9 / 20

Do we get any government or NHS funding for SERV OBN activities?

10 / 20

Does SERV-OBN have any corporate sponsorship?

11 / 20

What area do we cover?

12 / 20

How are the fleet vehicles allocated?

13 / 20

Are there any age restrictions on volunteers?

14 / 20

What naming convention do we have on the Fleet vehicles?

15 / 20

What commitment do we expect from our volunteers?

16 / 20

You are asked “How do I give blood?

How should you respond?

17 / 20

If someone stops to say “I’d like to donate but I have no cash …” how might you respond?

18 / 20

Who pays for fuel?

19 / 20

What do we carry?

20 / 20

If asked “I ride a bike, what do I need to join?” how would you respond?

Your score is


22 Nov 2022: removed draft status

17 Oct 2023: Added initial explanatory paragraph